Last month we shared with you a post in which I show three simple steps to know a wine tasting without being an expert. Well, in this new post we will try to continue helping you to not look like an uneducated wine lover, but on the contrary, an expert on the subject and, above all, its terminology.

That is why this month we have selected a list of words that anyone who has ever been on the side of a “wine expert” have heard, but have not known exactly what he was referring. In order to avoid that in these meetings we stay with the face of “lost”, we will explain the meaning of the words most commonly referred to believe the world of wine:

  • Acid – Excessive amount of acid in the wine, a fact which gives it a bitter taste.
  • Velvety – A nice texture to describe a wine that is lush and smooth.
  • Warm – A wine with a high alcohol content that is properly balanced by their flavors and textures.
  • Body – The depth of wine flavor or perceived weight thereof.
  • Bouquet – Multiple odors that combine to give the wine its aroma in general.
  • Breathing – Expose the wine to air, this tends to improve the taste.
  • Complex – A well-balanced wine interesting, offering many different aspects of aroma and flavor.
  • Crisp – A prominent note of acid in the wine but it’s nice.
  • Decant – The act of pouring wine from its original bottle into a glass different, usually, to set aside the sediment.
  • Demi-Sec – A French term, translated as “half-dry”; which is the sweetest kind of Champagne.
  • Dry – A description of the taste of a wine when it contains little or no sweetness.
  • Earthy – Taste some wine that captures the essence of earth.
  • Oenophile – Someone who enjoys wine.
  • Floral – A scent reminiscent of flowers, usually found in white wines.
  • Fruity – Used to describe an outstanding note of sweetness provided by the grapes.
  • Glycerol – An alcohol present in the wine due to fermentation.
  • Green – A lush smelling acid wine grapes were not yet ripe.
  • Strong – An overwhelming taste of tannins in the wine.
  • Heavy – Describes a wine when on balancing tannins.
  • Light – A (usually referred to young wines), nice wine is low in tannins.
  • Nose – The general aroma is perceived in a wine.
  • Test – a way to indicate the amount of alcohol in wine.
  • Refined – A positive term to describe a very balanced wine.
  • Rose – Refers to the pink hue that white wines have when mixed with red.
  • Snuff – a characteristic aroma that is sometimes found in red wines, associated with the smell of snuff leaves.

We hope that with these and twenty-six words or concepts we were able to help you more knowledge of this wonderful and exciting world that is wine.


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